Channel Zero #7: So Yeah 3DS and Stuff, Yeah?

by Rathe on Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The next post is due later this week so why not join the RSS feed and be notified when it goes live.

Ugh. It’s been a while since I mentioned the 3DS. Partly because, along with the Frozen Synapse feature, real life temporarily took over longer than should be necessary, but mainly because the crushingly miserable launch line-up has persuaded me to hold off early adoption – at least until we get a relatively decent flow of good games (April/May-ish). Still, that doesn’t mean I can just kick back like the lazy, pretentious hack I don’t like to think I am. The 3DS is but a few days away for many people, and lately more and more have had the opportunity to experience the little box of magic for themselves. So let’s presumptuously drag it through the mud again – after the jump.

soldiers, dragged through mud
Thank you, Google.

'Da Mystery of Chessboxin' - Wu-Tang Clan - Confused Young White Man Critiques Mid-to-Late 80s' Rap Music Narratives #2

by Rathe on Sunday, 20 March 2011

The next post is due later this week so why not join the RSS feed and be notified when it goes live.

I have a lot of time for the Wu-Tang Clan actually, if only because I’m so shallow I seem to think their sampling of kung-fu movies somehow makes their songs deeper and better than they really are. Still, they're probably one of the more consistent and varied rap groups out there in terms of members, lyrical styles and form - which makes the fact all their subsequent albums after their debut have somewhere in the region of 80 billion guest rappers all the more baffling to me. Nevertheless, let's have a look at a particularly fun song, 'Da Mystery of Chessboxin'', if only because in print it reads like the dying, fevered ravings of someone who picked up English as maybe their third or fourth langauge.

As ever, not for the kiddywinks or anyone who even has the slightest regard for the rules of grammar, as clicking after the jump will surely cause your head to implode as though your brain itself were a black hole inside your face.

Sonnets About ******* #1 'Tiny, King of the Jews'

by Indiana… on Saturday, 19 March 2011

The next post is due later this week so why not join the RSS feed and be notified when it goes live.

As you might expect, moderate to fair profanity after the jump… alongside odd re-imaginings of 80's noise rock— you were warned.

Test Your Might #1: Roaring Synapses #i - Mid Day Crisis

by Indiana… on Friday, 18 March 2011

The next post is due later this week so why not join the RSS feed and be notified when it goes live.

The Beta:
Frozen Synapse is sneaking its way out of beta with the last major hurdle, single player, being shaped as I write this; so before anything changes too much I thought I'd give you an overview of the changes to the game…

Test Your Might #1: Roaring Synapses #2 - Delays and Bumbling

by Indiana… on Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The next post is due later this week so why not join the RSS feed and be notified when it goes live.

Foreword: We now return to our irregularly programmed schedule; apologies for the delays (they had an almost-reason…promise). Good things and bad excuses after the jump.

The Game:
Frozen Synapse - "Bite-size, critically-acclaimed hardcore strategy with a striking sci-fi aesthetic" in the creators words; "one of the most incredibly tactical, yet beautifully simplistic battle of wits" in ours.

The Goal:
To ascend the game's global rankings leaderboard (top 10 for Indiana, top 100 for Rathe) and maybe even have some fun in the process.